On Wednesday July 11, 2001 I started having stronger Braxton Hicks contractions. Throughout the day they became harder. Around 10pm I went to the hospital in hopes that my baby would make his/her grand appearance. That wasnt the case though, when I arrived there wasnt too much going on, the nurse gave me a couple of sleeping pills and sent me on my way. The sleeping pills didnt work at all. I was up all night with contractions.
On the morning of July 12, 2001 5am, I woke my Mom up and asked her to take me to the hospital. The nurse gave me a gown and hooked me up to the non-stress test machine to check baby's heart rate and monitor my contractions.
Around noon they gave me a shot of demerol in the behind and told to go home and relax - easier said that done! From there, the contractions got stronger and more painful. I couldnt stay in one place for longer than one minute! I would go from my bed to the couch, from the couch to the bathtub ... I even tried to take comfort in my little brother's bedroom. I just could not get comfortable.
I was home alone. My Mom took my little brother's and my step dad was at work. I was left home alone out in booneyville to whimper and cry. Around 7pm I called my Mom (who was at a friend's house) and told her she must come home ASAP! She arrived home shortly after and took me to the hospital. The truck ride was awful. Each small bump was felt.
We arrived at the hospital around 9pm. My baby-Daddy arrived shortly after. The night seemed to go by so slowly. At the time, those few hours seemed longer than the nine months I carried the li'l person inside me.
Around 3am the time came for me to start pushing. It was the moment I had been waiting for FOREVER. There was no turning back.
4:18am Friday July 13th, 2001 - Brendan Mathieu arrived. It was a rainy morning but this li'l guy definately brightened up my world!

He was a tiny li'l man, 8lbs 1oz and 20.5" long. He had red hair and dark blue eyes. He was the cutest li'l guy. He had big hands and big feet ... and really long, slender fingers. The tiniest li'l toes! He had the cutest little cry. It was so soft and so quiet.

To finally hold him, and kiss him for the first time was the most wonderful and emotional time in my life ... words cant describe how amazing this moment was.

That's SO sweet. What a handsome little man. Thanks for sharing.